Our environmental commitment

building facade

Learn more about our commitment to help the Darebin community meet the challenges of the climate emergency.

Commitments by Council

We recognise the world is in a state of climate emergency. Climate change is making weather more severe. Impacting human health and wellbeing as well as our natural environment. We are involved in a range of initiatives to save energy and address climate change. Find out more about what we are doing and how you can get involved.

Commitments by Darebin Libraries

We are, as Victorian public libraries committed to embedding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our planning, including Goal 13: Climate action.

In the Darebin Libraries and Learning Strategy 2020-24, our second goal is to foster ‘A thriving and resilient community’ by increasing opportunities for lifelong learning and social connection. One of the outcomes within this goal is to ‘Help the Darebin community meet the challenges of the climate emergency’. Our plan is to collaboratively develop services, collections and programs to increase community understanding and knowledge to meet the challenges of the climate emergency.

Through these actions we support Council’s goals outlined in Darebin Climate Emergency Plan 2017–22(PDF, 12MB).

How can I find out more?

If you’d like to learn more about the current services, collections and programs supporting this goal, please give our friendly team a call on 1300 655 355. We also encourage you to check out our Climate Change and Action page where you’ll find helpful resources and tools, and to regularly check our Eventbrite page where you will find any upcoming programs, talks or workshops relating to environmental protection and the climate emergency.