Print, copy and scan

A woman stands at a large printer. She holds the top of the printer open and holds a piece of paper on the scanning bed.

Learn how you can print, photocopy and scan at any of our library branches. Print from our computers, from a USB drive or from your own device.

You can print, photocopy and scan at any of our library branches. Print from our computers, from a USB drive or from your own device.

Wireless printing

Wireless printing from your laptop or smart device is available at all Darebin Libraries branches.

Before you begin wireless printing

Log in to our wireless network "Library_wi-fi" using your library card number and 6 digit PIN. If you cannot remember your PIN please see a library staff member.

Printing from a laptop

Once you are connected to Library_wi-fi, open our Web Print portal. On the page that appears, select "Web Print" from the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

Fees apply per page of printing, photocopying or scanning:

Item Fee per page*
Black & White A4 $0.25
Black & White A3 $0.40
Colour A4 $2.00
Colour A3 $3.00
Scanning $0.25

*includes GST

Step-by-step printing guides

For step-by-step instructions for printing from different sources, please view the following guides: