Bilingual Storytimes

A child holding a book

Bring your preschooler along for bilingual stories, songs and simple craft activities. For children aged 0 to 5 years. 

Small family groups and young children in playful poses in front of a person seated in a large chair holding an open book. Bunting of the Greek flag hangs above text saying Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά Ώρα για Δίγλωσσα Παιδικά Παραμύθια Greek-English Bilingual Storytime.

Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά Ώρα για Δίγλωσσα Παιδικά Παραμύθια

Βιβλιοθήκη του Northcote

Παιδικά παραμύθια, τραγουδάκια και ποιηματάκια στα Ελληνικά και Αγγλικά.

Για παιδάκια ηλικίας 0-5 ετών.

Ώρες και ημερομηνίες στο Eventbrite. Οι κρατήσεις είναι προαιρετικές.

Greek-English Bilingual Storytime

Northcote Library

Stories, songs and rhymes in Mandarin and English.

For kids aged 0–5 years.

Times and dates at Eventbrite. Bookings optional.

Small family groups and young children in playful poses in front of a person seated in a large chair holding an open book. Pink bunting hangs above text saying Việt-Anh Giờ kể chuyện song ngữ Vietnamese-English Bilingual Storytime.

普通话 – 英语 双语故事会



适合0至5岁儿童。 日期和时间请见 Eventbrite。无需预约。

Mandarin-English Bilingual Storytime

Preston Library

Stories, songs and rhymes in Mandarin and English.

For kids aged 0–5 years. Times and dates at Eventbrite. Bookings optional.

Small family groups and young children in playful poses in front of a person seated in a large chair holding an open book. Pink bunting hangs above text saying Việt-Anh Giờ kể chuyện song ngữ Vietnamese-English Bilingual Storytime.

Việt-Anh Giờ kể chuyện song ngữ

Thư viện Preston

Những câu chuyện, bài hát và vần điệu tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh.

Dành cho trẻ em từ 0–5 tuổi.

Tại Eventbrite có ngày và giờ. Không bắt buộc phải đặt chỗ.

Vietnamese-English Bilingual Storytime

Preston Library

Stories, songs and rhymes in Vietnamese and English.

For kids aged 0–5 years. Times and dates at Eventbrite. Bookings optional.