Darebin Libraries and learning strategy

Find out about our mission to inspire and enable our diverse community to learn and grow.

Our mission is to inspire and enable our diverse community to learn and grow, and we have designed our Darebin Libraries and Learning Strategy 2020-24(PDF, 3MB) to do just that.

In developing this strategy, we reached out to our community to find out what you wanted and needed from us. How we could support your lifelong learning. We considered how our population is growing and how the way we live, work and learn is changing. We looked at the challenges facing all of us, including the climate emergency, the recovery from COVID-19, increasing income inequality, and social isolation.

So that we can continue to provide services that benefit our community, we will use a community-centred approach and focus on four key goals that were developed together with our community.

1. Equity of access

We will provide services, resources, and facilities that enable all community members to access our libraries.

2. A thriving and resilient community

We will promote and support the wellbeing and resilience of our community through increased opportunities for lifelong learning and social connection.

3. Welcoming safe spaces

We will create welcoming, safe, flexible, and inclusive physical and digital spaces.

4. Responsive services

We will continue to build Darebin Libraries’ capacity to provide services to meet our community’s needs.

See what we envision for our libraries in Darebin for the next four years by reading our strategy.(PDF, 3MB)

Read our current and previous annual Strategy Outcomes Reports:

2022-23 Strategy Outcomes Report(PDF, 792KB)

2021-22 Strategy Outcomes Report(PDF, 2MB)

2020-21 Strategy Outcomes Report(PDF, 801KB)