Accessibility tools and items for loan

An elderly person reading a book

Learn about the accessibility tools and items you can borrow from our libraries including digital resources, talking books and more.

Accessible items for loan

Talking books on CD

We have a wide range of talking books on CD in each of our libraries, available for any library member to borrow. These talking books enable people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical, perceptual, or reading disability that prevents them from using regular print materials to engage with books of all genres.

To make it even easier to access these talking books, we have a program where you can apply to access DAISY players. Learn more about how you can access a DAISY player.

Large print books

We also have a range of large print books in each of our four branches. Large-print materials have a type size that is easier to read for individuals with low vision. While most adult books are set in 10- to 12-point type, large-print materials are most commonly available in 16- to 18-point type.

Accessible digital resources

Many of the digital resources you can access with your Darebin Libraries membership have features you can adjust to improve their accessibility.

These include features like adjustable text size, support of text to speech software, keyboard control, closed captions for videos.

Our library team have created resources that explain the adjustable features of some of these online resources.

Download the Digital library accessibility features guide(PDF, 187KB) .

We have also prepared some video guides which demonstrate how these accessible features work on some of these online resources.

We are working towards making our Digital Library more accessible.

If you would like to share any experiences or suggestions about the accessibility features we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us or give us a call on 1300 655 355