Our library branches will close at 1pm on Tues 24 December for Christmas. Branches will be closed on Wed 25 December (Christmas Day) and Thurs 26 December (Boxing Day). During this time you can renew online, return books via our chutes and access our digital content. Branches will reopen on Fri 27 December at 10am.
Find out about the family history resources you can access in our library branches.
What secrets do you have hidden in your family tree? You can search a wide variety of both Australian and international resources within our libraries, such as Find My Past, British Newspaper Archives and Ancestry.com, all for free.
We offer dedicated Family History PCs at our Preston Library, and you can also log in to these databases on your own device within any Darebin Libraries branch.
Other resources available at Preston Library include directories, local newspapers dating back to 1888, and even Northcote rate books from 1888–1901.
Looking to research a family member who was in the military? View our Researching your military ancestors(PDF, 2MB) guide.