Isaac Barrow

Mayor of Preston 1896-1897

Early Settler and Preston Mayor

Isaac Barrow was born in Preston around 1860 and after a childhood spent near Kyneton returned to Preston and made it his home. He was a well regarded man, with commentators talking about his constant cheeriness which made him such a popular member of the community. He played an active part too, serving as Councillor, Mayor (1869-97), President of the Preston Bowling Club and Magistrate.

In 1902 Barrow was put forward as the Labour Candidate for the seat of Bourke East. He later retired from the nomination, resigning in favour of Mr Gair as he feared that their fight over the nomination could split the vote and allow the opposition to win the seat.

Isaac Barrow and J. W. Barrow established the company Messrs Barrow Bros., a dairy produce dealership, at 522 Little Collins Street Melbourne.  Isaac was the company's auctioneer. In 1905 as Chairman of the Butter Commission he clashed with members of his own committee over the payment of expenses for the committee. Apparently Barrow had been made a statement which implied he had soley paid of the expenses raised by the Committee and the Committee were at pains to explain that they would be reimbursing him the monies.   It was a rare criticism of a man who seemed to be well loved by the Preston community.

Barrow owned a large estate in Lauriston, where he established a country retreat, 'Preston Park', and which he would visit frequently with his family. The property had a large number of ornamental and fruit trees as well as a sheep run.

After suffering from ill health, notably a heart condition but seemed on the road to recovery when he died unexpectedly at his home 'Ellerslie' in Preston. He left a widow and seven children. He left an estate with real estate to the value of 10,000 pounds with another 8,000 pounds in cash, a considerable sum of money for that time.

Messrs Barrow Bros; New Premises. Weekly Times (Melbourne, Vic.1869-1954), 27 March 1897, p.3
The late Isaac Barrow, J.P. Tribute.  Spector and Methodist Chronicle (Melbourne, Vic. 1914-1929), 4 March 1916
The late Mr. Isaac Barrow, J.P. Northcote Leader (Vic. 1914-1918), 4 March 1916, p.2
Butter Commission and Mr. Isaac Barrow.  To the Editor of the Age.  The Age (Melbourne, Vic. 1854-1954), 19 May 1905, p.8
Retirement of Mr. Barrow.  Probable nomination of a Labour candidate. Mercury and Weekly Courier (Vic. 1878-1903), 19 September 1902, p.2
Lauriston.  Kyneton Guardian (Vic 1870-1918), 24 February 1916, p.2